A change of approach

As a church we affirm:
  • The authority of Scripture for us in making moral decisions. That it is for serious study and we ask for the Holy Spirit’s help and illumination in understanding it, whether by ourselves or in discussion together. (2Tim 2:15, 3:16-17, Lk 10:26, Jn 16:13)
  • The dignity and worth of all people as we are made in God’s image. (Ge 1:26)
  • As believers in Jesus our core identity is we are God's children and dearly loved. (Jn 1:11-13, Gal 4:6-7, Col 3:12)
  • We are all sinners in need of God's grace and as followers of Jesus are to become more and more like him. (1Jn 1:8-2:2, Rm 3:23-24, 2Co 3:18, 1Jn 2:6)
  • Our understanding of God and each other is incomplete. (1Co 13:12, 2:11, Rm 2:1-4)
We're working for relationships:
  • Honest and loving enough that we can receive a challenge from one another whilst recognising God’s priorities for others can be different to ours. (Pr 27:17, Heb 10:24, Col 3:16, Is 55:8,9)
  • Where we listen well to one another, recognising that we won’t always agree and that disagreement itself can be a place of growth. (Jm 1:19,26, Pr 18:13, 27:17)
  • That show God's love, peace and work of reconciliation even if we part ways. (Col 3:12-15, Rm 12:10, Mt 5:23-24, 2Co 5:16-19, Jn 13:35)
  • Where we support each other in the struggle and suffering as well as joys of life and Christian discipleship. (Heb 12:4-11, Rom 5:1-5, 8:28, 12:15, Gal 6:2,7-10)
  • That express the family we have become recognising it is not good to live alone. (Mt 12:49-50, Rm 12:10-13, Heb 2:11-12, 13:1, Ge 2:18)

Position statement

The position and teaching of this church is that marriage is between a man and a woman (is loving, committed, monogamous, faithful and life-long) and sexual intimacy is reserved for such marriage.
a) We recognise not everyone agrees with this, including some of our young people, and the Leadership Team and the Church Meeting is trusted to bring this for review if necessary.
b) It is hypocritical to focus on any one kind of sin to deny or detract from our need to repent from our own. (Mt 7:5, Rm 2:1-4)
c) There is a danger and imbalance on focusing on one issue and not others (e.g. greed and depravity ... envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice ... gossips, slanderers, the arrogant) (Rm 1:29-30)
d) Jesus taught that the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts are subject to judgement as well as our actions and delivered his fiercest words to those who considered themselves morally self-righteous. (Mt 5:22, 28, 23:13-36)
Therefore …
e) We want to welcome and bless (not condone) anyone living differently to this position.
f) Those in membership we would expect to respect the church’s teaching.
g) The Leadership Team is trusted to pastorally handle situations where the church’s teaching appears not to be respected.
h) We want to honour those amongst us who, whether by choice or circumstances, are celibate. Recognising this is not less of a life for Christ, if anything it is more and that the destiny of all believers is as the bride of Christ. (1Co 7:32-35, Mt 22:30, Rev 19:7-8)
i) We value friendship and believe intimacy, commitment and self-sacrifice can be expressed in close/intimate/spiritual friendship without sexual intimacy and God’s love can be revealed in such friendships. (2Sam 1:26, Pr 17:17, Jn 15:13, 1Jn 4:7-12)
j) The minister is trusted to pastorally handle dedications and baptisms.
k) Coming into membership is the decision of the Church Meeting.
l) Our change of approach, position statement and these clarifications will be:
  • available to any member, regular or visitor who asks about it
  • presented to anyone becoming a member
  • online
Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click to see more

Planning your Visit



Tabernacle Baptist Church or 'Tab' is a hub of hope in Christ, a welcoming family from a variety of backgrounds joined by a desire to know and share God's love.

We are excited at the way God has brought us together and look forward to how God is going to encourage, empower and strengthen us, as a church, in unity to serve Him and the local community and introduce people to Jesus.

Find out what's on during the week or about church life here:
What's OnChurch Life
For details of our Sunday services see below, we'd be delighted to have you with us.

Find us

We are located in Wolverhampton with convenient public transportation options:
  Tab@Dunstall Road is situated in Whitmore Reans (google map).

TDR Only
Public Transport: The number 5 bus (from the bus station) stops at Dunstall Road, just in front of the building.

Parking: Free car park across from Peace Green.

Facilities: Ramped access through the main reception (foyer) at Dunstall Road.

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We have services every Sunday at 10:30am at Dunstall Road. You are very welcome to attend. 
Find Us
Sunday Morning 10:30am
Our welcome team will greet you as you arrive, please do ask them if you have any questions or need anything.
  • We usually sing (modern songs and traditional hymns), pray and listen to a talk.
  • Children and Youth leave for their own groups, Jam and Ignite, near the beginning. They return during the final worship songs. A parent or carer needs to go with them to register them on their first visit. Parents and carers can take their babies or toddlers into crèche at anytime.
Creche JAM Ignite logo
  • An offering is usually taken but please don’t feel under any pressure to give.
  • Prayer is available after the service in the Prayer Corner.
  • You are free to watch or join in as much as feels comfortable for you. There is no dress code. We want you to be comfortable, please come as you are.
  • A hearing loop is available.
  • You’re invited to stay for tea, coffee, soft drinks, biscuits and maybe some cake in the hall. Follow everyone else!

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Who's Who

We are thankful for the many people in the church who volunteer in different areas of church life. Those on the Church Leadership and Ministry Leading teams are also volunteers but have a particular responsibility for the church's growth and development. The Leadership Team volunteers are also Trustees.


Leadership Team:

Femi single   Henryk single
Robert single   Richard single
Sue L single   Tina single

Ministry Team:

MinistryTeam Children.Toyin   MinistryTeam FinFell.Elaine
MinistryTeam HomeGroups   MinistryTeam Mens
    MinistryTeam Y&Y

Designated Persons for Safeguarding:

Safegaurding Felix   Safegaurding Lah
Safegaurding Sue D   Safegaurding Sue L



If you need to contact the Church please visit the Contact Us page.


What we believe

Our Vision Statement: "We want to see Tab, as a hub of hope in Christ, where lives are healed and restored by the transforming power of the gospel of Christ."

Our Mission Statement: We Glorify God by
  • Providing a vibrant welcoming place of worship where people meet with God
  • Discipling, Equipping, Enabling and Energising the people of God for acts of service
  • Reaching out to all peoples with Jesus' transforming message of love, hope, forgiveness and grace

Vision word art

We are part of Baptists Together ...

Baptists Together
Declaration of Principle - The Basis of the Baptist Union is:

1. That our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, is the sole and absolute authority in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures, and that each Church has liberty, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to interpret and administer His laws.

2. That Christian Baptism is the immersion in water into the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, of those who have professed repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ who 'died for our sins according to the Scriptures; was buried, and rose again the third day'.

3. That it is the duty of every disciple to bear personal witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to take part in the evangelisation of the world.

... and members of the Evangelical Alliance.

With regards to our relationships, marriage and sexual intimacy the church meeting has agreed this.

Come visit us on a Sunday or during the week and see or ask us what we believe  : )

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There are many opportunities to volunteer or serve at Tab.  For those interested in volunteering, please read over the Leaders and Volunteers Agreement that provides you with Tab's vision, mission and values that are core to the life and work of our church.  For anyone who wants to join one of the ministries or activities, as a Volunteer or Volunteer Leader, we ask that you come with and/or agree to the church Vision & Mission Statement summarised in the Leaders and Volunteers Agreement.  
You can also find out a little more of what Christians believe from the video below:
Courtesy of: Christian Enquiry Agency

Visit christianity.org.uk to find out more about Jesus Christ and the Christian faith


Contact us

Tabernacle Baptist Church
Dunstall Road
Whitmore Reans

01902428962 (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri  10am-3pm)
(Note: the office is currently open on a reduced schedule; please contact the office to confirm days and hours)